Friday, December 26, 2014

The  Difference between Tantra and Dual Cultivation

Tantric and Dual Cultivation methods and techniques have many similarities once you remove their religious and cultural wrappings. There is one majordifference, however. Tantra is primarily a method for raising Sexual Qi up the spine to create a state of ecstasy. For many people this can be a religious or spiritual experience as well as an incredibly powerful way of working with Sexual Qi. Dual Cultivation also works with moving Sexual Qi up the spine; the fundamental difference between the Tantric and the Taoist methods is that the Taoist techniques move the Sexual Qi back down the front of the body to complete the ‘Xiao Zhou Tian’. This circular movement of energy has been translated as ‘Microcosmic Orbit’, ‘Small Heavenly Circulation’ or ‘Small Orbit’. This circulation of Qi has a profound healing and energizing effect as the generated energy is packed or stored back into the body. Tantra therefore focuses on the ecstatic release of sexual energy and is quasireligious, sometimes at the expense of the physical body. Dual Cultivation, onthe other hand, is a method of using sexual energy to promote good health and longevity as well as spiritual development. This is an important point that is very often not made clear, especially when reading Tantric source material and laterNeo-Tantric books and other instructional material.

From Beyond tantra Healing through Taoist Sacred Sex

Mieke and Stephan Wik

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Orgasm Increases with Less Ejaculation through Tao

Orgasm Increases with Less Ejaculation through Tao

With Tao you can create energy throughout your body using different methods such as meditation and concentration. These methods allow you to create energy unlike any other. When you ejaculate all of your energy is directed through the penis. You can focus this energy throughout your body without ejaculating. 

Ejaculation is not rare or embarrassing. It is a part of life that every male experiences at one point or another. By learning Tao and practicing the lifestyle, you can eliminate the temptation and need for ejaculating. When focusing on the energy within, you can create multiple orgasms throughout your body. It normally will start throughout the lower back and buttocks and move up through the spine. Full body orgasms are not easily obtainable for those who do not understand how to channel this energy. 

As a believer of Taoism and what it can offer on a personal level, it took me over two years to master a non-ejaculation orgasm. It was well worth it. The feeling of creating a full body orgasm is beyond that of any ejaculation. There are workshops that help those who are interested in attempting to live life without ejaculation. These workshops are specifically designed for men. There are several techniques that are used throughout these workshops. The most common practice learned is the massaging of your gentiles. Although this might seem like it would end in ejaculating, it creates an energy resource that you can learn to magnify.

Abstaining is not a very easy path to take. Learning how to not ejaculate can take a lot of dedication and years of practice. It is not recommended that someone forces themselves into this retention path without having individualized guidance from a Tao teacher. Not ejaculating is not the overall goal of the sexual practice of a Taoist. It can hurt you more if you focus too much attention and energy on not ejaculating. 
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Sexual Kung Fu within Taoism

Sexual Kung Fu within Taoism

When two people love one another, they plan out a life together, eventually, get married, have children, and live the rest of their life harmoniously. At least that is what everyone wants you to think about marriage. You do not have to be married or plan to get married to be happy with a life partner. You do not have to settle down with one person unless that is truly what you believe is the ultimate goal for you with love and relationships.
Sex can happen in any relationship. It does not have to be solely between married couples. Over the past 14 years I have learned what sexual encounters mean for someone who studies Taoism. Taoists do not discourage sexual encounters, but rather encourage them. Sexual encounters do not have to be physical. You do not have to have physical intercourse or ejaculate to have an orgasm. In fact, you and your partner can learn how to intensify your body’s energy in order to have multiple full body orgasms.
Before I learned how to channel my sexual frustration into energy and full body orgasms, I thought of sex as just a way to release the built up frustration. It has a new meaning to me and has become a fun experience to share with my partners. It turns into one big party that goes on for hours and hours. It happens anytime during the day or night and the energy levels continue to grow. There is also an abundance of love and joy that can be found. I did not know that it could be this intense without physically entering into a woman.
To me sex became boring. It was the same thing each time. I would become horny and restless, take on a partner, fulfil the sexual need I thought I desired, and then repeat that process over and over again each time I craved fulfillment. This is the reason many marriages have failed. One or both partners have become so accustomed to a routine during sex that there is nothing left to be excited about, to feel energized about.
Sexual Kung Fu as I like to call it, can not only give you energy and full body orgasms it can also control your horniness levels and allow you to play on a different playing field when meeting and interacting with women. For years the energy is still growing within me. I have not ejaculated but rather had orgasmic encounters that have truly shown me the appreciation of my body and that of others. 
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