Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Maybe Prayer Isn’t So Bad

As a nonbeliever, it may surprise you that I pray.  However, I learned at a retreat that sometimes, saying prayers is good for everyone.  At that retreat, I started practicing praying, and at first, it was very weird.  But then I realized something: I had actually being saying prayers all my life!  I just wasn’t thinking of them in those terms.

I sometimes attend a church in Amsterdam.  I love the energy in this old building, but I could never follow the prayers.  I’ve tried a number of other churches, other religions, but most of the time, I just couldn’t follow the prayers.  This retreat taught me how to say a prayer, and it helped me connect to these religious ceremonies.

The first thing I learned to do when praying is to say thank you.  That’s where all prayers start. 

Then you put your intentions out there.  The intention of a prayer can be anything—it can be that the spirit moves through you, that your friend meets the goal they set, or that a bad situation is resolved.  When I’m with someone who doesn’t know how to pray or don’t particularly want to pray, I try to tell them about prayer without using that term.  For example, I say that they should think about what they’re grateful for every day.  I might tell them that I hope that their son gets the grades he needs or that their daughter gets over her illness.  That’s a type of prayer, even if I’m not using that word.

Thanks to what I learned and experienced at the retreat, I now really feel it when I say a prayer.  I’m not necessarily talking to a specific deity, but it is like talking to someone—like Tom Hanks talks to the volleyball in the movie Castaway.  In fact, his talking to the volleyball is a type of prayer, I think.

Praying can be done alone, but it can also be done with others.  Families often pray together.  Even before I started praying, I noted that the family on one of my favorite TV shows, Blue Blood, always said grace before every meal.  Saying a prayer together creates a very strong group energy, and it can bring people together. 

Outside of church, prayer is often done immediately.  You don’t think about what you’re going to say—the words should come from your belly and your heart, not from your head.  It should be a none interference prayer. You should feel a shifting in your body after saying the prayer as you connect to that deep spiritual energy.  You should really feel connected to the prayer and truly give thanks for what you have.  Others should also be able to really deeply feel your prayer. Most prayers should also serve someone or something else besides you.  This makes the prayer much more powerful because you’re putting that good energy out there on behalf of someone else.

There is a structure I have for a prayer, and this helps to practice it.  First, close your eyes and calm yourself.  You may need to go to a space where you’re alone, at least at first.  Then focus on the right side of your chest where your second open space heart is.  Feel the energy and the love there.  Start your prayer by addressing the person, deity, or concept you’re praying to.  Many religious people start out prayers with “Dear God,” but you don’t have to.  You can substitute any deity of your choice or use concepts like spirit, universe, or nature.  Pray to whatever you’re comfortable with.

Next, give thanks for something.  Say what you’re grateful for.  It can be anything—the nice weather, the chance meeting with an old friend, etc.

Then you move on to the intention.  What do you want or need?  Why are you saying this prayer?  Your intention can be for more than one thing, and it can be for anything from a relative finding their lost pet to world peace. 

End the prayer with something like “If that’s thy will, Let thy be done.  Amen.” 

If you put in the gratitude and intention, if you truly connect with your energy, and if you put that energy out there for others, you will find that what you pray about starts to happen.  Make your intentions pure and good, and you will find that the positive energy comes back to you.  Once you’ve practiced prayer, it will become almost second-nature, and it will become much easier to do.  I strongly encourage everyone to pray every day.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A lesser Buddhist

What is a lesser Buddhist?

The one that has been born  enlightened

He will have difficulty to show/teach others how to get to path of enlightment

Monday, March 23, 2015

Why is prostate massage pleasurable?

The G-Spot or Sacred Spot of a man is his prostate gland. Tantric philosophy considers the G-Spot a man's emotional sex center. Massaging the man's prostate releases tremendous amounts of emotional and physical stress. Coupled with stimulation of his penis or "lingam", massaging his prostate can be extremely pleasurable and healing to the man. Since the most direct way to massage the man's Sacred Spot is through his anus, it takes time to adjust to being penetrated in this way. It is not for every man. The benefits are many and the pleasure can be very intense. For tantric partners, lovers or those otherwise genuinely comfortable with one another, massaging the sacred spot can be a powerful experience. Not only in terms of ecstatic pleasure for the "receiver", but in the sexual empowerment it bestows on the "giver".

read more Sacred Spot Massage NOTE: Roshi does NOT stimulate ejaculation as mentioned in this article but the rest is brilliant.

Monday, March 16, 2015

8 Elements training Video/Audio

This Audio/Video can help you chanting the 8 elements Kan, Li, Chen, Tui, Kun, Ken, Sun, Chien. Very powerfull!!! Helps to get you thinking with your belly. I Have added some simple cards to remember how to do the exercise and which the 8 Elements of Nature are . Enjoy and share. Roshi

8 Elements Video/Audio

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Het anus-gebied bij de man een no go? In een gastartikel op vrouwonline legt erotisch masseur Rob uit hoe je een prostaatmassage kan geven. Het schijnt een geweldige sensatie voor een man te zijn. Nieuwsgierig? Lees het artikel van vrouwonlineRobs massagesalon De Slaunge. 
“Voordat ik je uit ga leggen hoe je dit het beste kunt doen geef ik je eerst een gouden tip.
Vraag liever niet aan een man of je hem een prostaat massage mag geven! Hij zal waarschijnlijk nee zeggen. Voor hem is het anus gebied een ‘no go‘ gebied. Ook zullen de meeste mannen het als een homoseksuele handel zien. Dat is natuurlijk onzin).”
“Je moet het gewoon doen! Zonder woorden gewoon voorzichtig en langzaam handelen. Enkele voorbereidingen zijn wel aan te raden. Voor de vrouw geldt dat je schone en geknipte nagels hebt ( zonder steentjes en dergelijken op je nagel zoals versiering ). Je kunt een condoom of latex handschoen (waarvan je de wijs- en middelvingers afknipt) gebruiken. Zorg dat hij schoon en niet al te lang geleden naar het toilet is geweest voor de grote boodschap.”
“Tijdens jullie ‘normale’ sekshandelingen ga jij je vooral focussen op het perineum. Dit is het gebied tussen de ballen en de anus. Gebruik wat speeksel of glijmiddel of olie en gebruik je middel en wijsvinger om vervolgens zachtjes maar kordaat zijn perineum te masseren. Met je vrije hand kan je zijn penis mee masseren. Wissel dit af met klop bewegingen met beide vingers. Zorg dat je niet te veel met de penis bezig bent want je wil naar de prostaat werken en voorkomen dat hij vroegtijdig zal ejaculeren.”
Voorzichtig van start
“Masseer subtiel zo nou en dan zijn anus met je wijs en/of middelvinger. Na enige tijd van afwisselend zijn perineum en zijn anus te hebben gemasseerd ga je voorzichtig, liefst met je wijsvinger (deze is het smalst) en wat glijmiddel, olie of speeksel de anus binnen. Je kunt hem ook rimmen (met de tong de anus masseren), iets dat zeer erotisch en ontspannend voor beiden werkt.”
Prostaat masseren
“Om hem af te leiden kan je gelijktijdig even op zijn eikel blazen, om vervolgens met je wijsvinger ‘kom maar hier’ bewegingen te maken. Net om de hoek in het anus gebied zal je een zachte knobbel voelen. Dit is zijn prostaat zijn G-spot. Je masseert deze knobbel zachtjes. Als zijn anus goed is ontspannen (dus niet meer ‘strak’ voelt ), kan je licht stotende bewegingen maken afgewisseld met masseren.”
“Zoals ik dit hier heb geschreven moet je bij de uitvoering wel de tijd nemen. Voor hem zal dit, meestal, de eerste keer zijn dat het gebied rond zijn anus en zijn prostaat op deze manier worden verwend. Gun hem de tijd om te wennen. Het doel van prostaatmassage is euforische opwinding en wat hem tot een multi orgastische man kan maken wat kan eindigen in meerdere inwendige orgasmes zonder ejaculatie. Let wel dat je met het diepste ‘zijn’ van de man bezig bent dus behandel dit met respect en liefde.”
“Tot slot: heb geduld samen, geen oordelen zodat jullie samen een nieuwe dimensie aan jullie seksleven kunnen toevoegen.”
Meer weten over prostaatmassages? Neem een kijkje op de website Robs massagesalon De Slaunge.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Nothingness (Wu Chi) Bliss experience; Imprint

An imprint I got from Alex Vartman at the men core workshop  when he openly spoke about himself at the end of the retreat. When he spoke about “there is nothing behind your eyes”, nothing. No worries, no thoughts.  When he said this , I felt my belly go very soft and sensual/orgasmic. It spread out like a shower into my whole body. A great down to earth feeling and light feeling…hmmmm.

How did I found out it was an imprint or felt this same feeling again and even stronger?

Well; I did found out only recently playing sexual with a beautifull woman. We played with energy… very strong energy. She talked in a NO language (just making sounds; my daughter often does the same with me talking with no real meanings to the words amazing stuff makes my brains being closed and open to new dimensions) I did talk back in real words telling her I was in indian country beautifull, with hills water etc .She felt like and indian woman. This talking of mine would make  our energy taking of even stronger. We ended up in strong energy fucking with nice orgasms.. and more…

The more we got into all of this the more I started feeling this nothingness. To describe nothingness is kind of difficult when there is nothing. It does feel very nice… like being in a 3D black space… What  is remarkable, is that I feel aware and present. The days after I still felt & feel this energy. Light & down to earth, happy and healthy.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Non-Ejaculating for Men & the Enormous Benefits

Non-Ejaculating for Men & the enormous benefits

I have seen a growing Interest in several FB groups on non-ejaculating and as such, I would like to share my experiences and thoughts on this particular subject.
I haven’t had what most people consider to be a standard, contact based ejaculation for quite some time. As as result, I have experienced so many benefits. These benefits have directly affected my energy levels as well as my overall awareness. The longer I continue to prevent ejaculation, the more my energy and awareness levels continue to grow. It is also increasing the intensity of my orgasms as well. I want to share, through my personal experiences, what the benefits I have noticed by avoiding ejaculating during various sexual activities.

The Benefits:
  • -      More overall energy
  • -      Deeper, more restful sleep
  • -      Improved overall health
  • -      Dramatically increased sexual stamina and performance
  • -      Heightened awareness in regard to my sexual desires
  • -      Increased happiness in all aspects of my life and reduced stress levels
  • -      Greater sense of self confidence and a desire to push myself beyond previous limitations
  • -      Easier to resist being pulled into world and relationship drama
  • -      Greater sense of center within my core (belly) and with my thoughts
  • -      The Ability to experience longer, more intense orgasms from multiple forms of stimulation
  • -      Increased sexual energy and understanding of the sexual energies of myself and others
  • -      Greater understanding and ability to manipulate and play with my own inner energy
  • -      My Lingam is now extremely sensitive giving me the ability to identify the various sensitive spots within a woman; this is increasing true for women that I have regular intercourse with.

Learning how to be sexually active without ejaculating is not easy. I have had my share of difficulties in the beginning and I want to share a few of those difficulties with you now.

  • -      When I first began practicing sex without climaxing, the sexual energy would not go away. Instead, it would stay trapped within me and would begin to mess with my head and my emotions. I would become easily frustrated, restless and short tempered. It seemed as if my day would begin and end with a headache that just would not go away. The women I dated did not take to kindly to my desires to prevent ejaculation either. They were not able to be fully satisfied and they began to experience the same headaches, restlessness and frustration as I did. This caused me to give up and start ejaculating again during sex, which I will admit was pretty nice at the time.
  • -      Blue balls. Any man who is physically mature enough for sex knows what this is and how painful it can be.
  • -          It was also difficult to explain to women that I did not want to ejaculate and that it had nothing to do with them.

I know there are two big questions most of you are going to have:
-      How did I get the hang of it?
-      How did I learn not to ejaculate and start getting all these benefits?

The answer is going to surprise most of you. It was by pure accident. I was having sex with one of my former partners, who would go absolutely wild when she had anal sex and wanted me to engage in anal sex with her. I am not a prude, but was a little thrown off by this and was trying to figure out how anal sex would really benefit me?

Note: Unfortunately, it is a big taboo for heterosexual men to play with their ass. My hope is that by being open about this, more men will become accepting about the idea of anal stimulation and sex, both through giving and receiving. The benefits and orgasms of this are endless. By following my blogs, articles and TAO you can easily learn. The benefits are not only for you, your wife and female partners will benefit sexually (and in daily life) big time….!!!! And before anyone jumps to any misplaced conclusion about me, yes I am Hetero!!!!

I went to de Slaunge for a prostate massage. After I bought a prostate massage toy; G Rider from Nexus, plugs etc. etc. I went to Maya (shemale) from TNT ( for help learning what to do, how to do it and to understand the meaning behind it. I practiced alone a lot at first. In the beginning I didn’t really feel to much other than a pressure within my anus, but out of the blue it started to get really great! I was suddenly getting increasingly horny and the orgasms I was experiencing without ejaculating were nothing short of amazing.

Finally, I got to the point where I wanted to engage in anal sex (to me)with women. I followed several workshops with TNT and began dating several women within the TNT network. The women within TNT have a deep desire for men who do not ejaculate. The reason for this is because typically, men who do not ejaculate have greater stamina and sexual performance than those who do not resist the urge to ejaculate. The women I am with now engage in anal play with me and they feel the differences as well.

One major factor that I credit to my success is the art of TAO. Through it I learned to circulate my inner energy (micro orbit) as well as direct my energies (8 elements). The 8 elements focus primarily on the Belly. Through this understanding I have found the ability to deeper, longer, stronger orasims and awareness.

To be honest, there is so much more to tell and learn and I want to share my experience and knowledge with those who also wish to learn. I will also explain more about my experiences with anal play and how I was able to use it to my advantage.

Innerlijke Glimlach werkboek van Inge Maassen Senior TAO teacher Den Haag Nederland

Innerlijke Glimlach werkboek van Inge Maassen Senior TAO teacher Den Haag Nederland

Six Healing sounds By Mantak Chia

Six Healing sounds By Mantak Chia

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fusion of the Eight Psychic Channels

Fusion of the Eight Psychic Channels
(Summary of Grand Master Mantak Chia)

The fusion of the eight psychic channels is the formation of the conclusion of the universal Tao traditions of inner alchemy, the art and science of the collection, storage and exchange of energies within the body. It allows the clearing of the body’s energy pathways. By freeing these psychic channels, Tao practitioners are able to bring order to the energy flow throughout their body.

Exploring the Tao allows you to discover the immensity of your inner world, which is as vast as your outer space. It is like exploring the depths of the ocean in a tiny submarine. It is the opening of the body and mind to limitless space. It is the opening of the third eye, the sense organ within that recognizes infinite dimensions and possibilities. It will free you from what you understand as life because within your mind there is no other experience than expanding creation, called wu chi, which means nothingness.

Did you realize that you could reach a completely natural unceasing state of harmony and delight? When you can truly see expanding creation, you can see it as a real object that you can touch and transform. The energy of creation may manifest as strong and powerful or as something considerably less intense. Its manifestation is from within you. You can experience it in your heart, eyes or thoughts. It is potent healing force, the substance of creation, an essence well beyond the bounds of the conditioned mind. When your mind is opened, the creation energy can expand permitting your natural healing, love and creative energy to create beauty within your in most being .

          You, like many others may feel that you have no control over your life, as if you lack the power to change anything including yourself. This is the soul of depression, a feeling of entrapment and stagnation. It is the feeling that you cannot change anything in your life. This often leads to feelings of sadness and isolation. But the truth is, you can initiate change and gain control when you realize the world is a source of perpetual change and you join your energy to it. You then increase your energy with love and happiness entering a river filled with change and creation.

Negative thoughts simply limit the mind’s ability, making it a slave. Negative thoughts draw you away from the river of creation. When we act as if we know all there is to know, life becomes idle and tedious; but as we understand the infinite energy of creation, it is easy to see that life is filled with ceaseless glory. This never-ending glory makes life beautiful. It is the opposite of negative thoughts of a limited mind.

Creation energy or chi energy is the lone element of the existence of all things. Chi created all things and continues to create anything that will exist in the future. The Tao teachings provide a way to explore the chi energy, to connect with it mind and body, and allow the chi to open a new life vision. It frees our limited minds that keep us from
discovering and living a life of infinite

As you engage in the Tao, you will open your life to positive energy. As the sacred energy joins your being, your mind will be free from life’s stresses opening your mind to see life clearly. You will be grateful for the new and beautiful life that you now enjoy. Even now, you can develop energy that is more powerful and pure – infinite possibilities. Chi energy is the key to it all, opening the blockages of your mind, body, or spirit. It is simple allowing the chi to infuse you in all areas; the toxic energy will dissipate and you will exude beautiful energy. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mantak Chia Inner smile Video

Cosmic Inner Smile

The Inner Smile is a powerful internal healing and relaxation meditation. Deep relaxation dissolver physical and mental tensions that can cause energy blockages and unhealthy Chi. The Inner Smile  enhances the energy of the Organs and glands, our life force in general and stills and focuses the heart and mind (hsien) It makes us more aware of our body and inner being, because we learn to communicate with our organs, glands, spine and other specific parts of our body as well as our soul. Taoists discovered that consciousness is rooted not only in the each of the cells.

Smiling to the organs and thanking them for the work they do will reawaken the intelligence of the body. We are often so out of touch with the body and emotions that we do not notice inner disharmony developing until it finally manifests itself as a serious illness.

practicing the Inner Smile daily lets us look inside to keep in touch with the state of our inner organs, our Chi, our breath and emotions. We can spot problems as their inception, making it easier to balance the emotions and virtues.

Mantak Chia Inner Smile Video 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Update on running TAO workshop


The 5 times workshop Advanced Energy Workers is a succes. The last group is still running. We have a nice small group of 10 people who are really motivated. We practise at Ilona her home which has a very good energy.

The TAO participants really make progress fast and really feel the change.

The group is a well balanced one. In the TAO talks I try to match the energy of the people as much as possible so they can learn from each other and grow together.

The TAO Talk also works fine... Be have a short intro into TAO. After the TAO Talk one can decide to do the 5 time Advanced Workshop...

Recently my tenant from India asked me how I look so happy, so energetic and why my skin adn eyes are shining, I told him I practise TAO. He really wants to get introduced to TAO and see whhat it will bring him.

Greetings Roshi